The Early Years
Zion’s congregation was organized September 4, 1900 with six charter members: W. H. Kruse, George Brungardt, John Staehr, Fred Ruhter, George Lenhart and Emil Polenske.
The congregation has had three houses of worship: the old German Baptist church from 1900-13, the old Zion Church on South Denver that was built in 1913, and the present church on South Marian Road that was dedicated October 24, 1971.
Zion has had four school buildings: a small frame building on South Denver, the frame church moved to D & St. Joseph in 1913, the brick school at D & St. Joseph built in 1928; and the present school on South Marian Road that was dedicated October 24, 1971. In 2005 the school enrollment was 105 students in K-8 and 25 preschoolers with nine teachers.
Pastors & Assistants
Fourteen pastors have accepted the call to serve as senior pastors at Zion: Rev. Walter Schmidt from 1900-03, Rev. L. W. Plehn from 1903-07, Rev. Karl Kretschmar 1907-18, Rev Oscar Heilman from 1918-33, Rev. William F. Peters from 1934-48, Rev. David Kreitzer from 1948-58, Rev. James P Wuebben from 1960-64, Rev. Robert Harms from 1964-75, Rev. Ardell McLachlan from 1976-80; Rev. Martin Hoyer from 1981-88, Rev John Mueller 1989-90; Rev. Richard A. Kothe from 1990-2002, Rev. Dan Heuer from 2002-2006, Vacancy Pastor Greg Volzke 2006-10, Rev. Paul Warneke from 2010 to 2021, and currently vacancy Pastor Tyler Hauptmaier.
Pastors have been assisted by five vicars, 1 deaconess and several retired pastors including Rev. Henry F. Pralle from 1972-87 and Rev. Walter Meyer from 1986-92. Rev. Meyer also served Zion as assistant pastor from 1943-46.